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Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

One of the things that older pastors and younger priests occasionally quarrel about is the proper balance between work and prayer. I know one pastor who complains that his younger associate ignores the people and the parish because he wants to spend more time in prayer. And the young priest complains that the pastor gives him too much work to do and no time to pray. The Lord’s words this Sunday speak into this tension with an image that can help us find a proper balance between life and prayer.   

Jesus says, “For every tree is known by its fruit. For people do not pick figs from thorn bushes, nor do they gather grapes from brambles” (Luke 6:44). When we are deeply rooted and cultivating our relationship with Jesus, we are going to bear the fruit of that love in our lives. No fruit, no good prayer. How do we know that we are praying well? We are experiencing concrete fruits of love for others in our lives.  

Someone who prays well will, sooner or later, burst forth the “figs” and “grapes” of acts of love. But without concrete commitment to deeds of selfless service to others, our prayer time is as useless as thorn bushes and brambles. Let’s recommit ourselves to be men and women of prayer and service. And hopefully the pastors will help their associates to pray and serve fruitfully…with minimal quarreling.  — Father John Muir ©LPi

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