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Second Sunday of Lent

St. Thomas Aquinas said that friends share three things: time, possessions and secrets. For example, how do I know if you’re my friend? Well, let’s say we’ve been to Mexico together, you’ve tried my shaky attempts at pasta carbonara, and you know what ridiculous costume I wore in a music video I filmed in my early twenties. We, dear reader, are definitely friends. We’ve shared time, possessions and secrets. 

How does friendship with Jesus develop? The same way. Jesus lives and eats with his disciples. Then he takes Peter, James and John to Mount Tabor and there reveals to them his deepest secret: his glorious, divine Sonship. The majesty of God shines from within his humanity in a way that goes beyond description. God the Father confirms this “secret,” saying, “This is my chosen Son, listen to him” (Luke 9:35). It’s all so precious that “they fell silent and did not at that time tell anyone.”  Do we take time to be alone with Christ, to allow him to mystically share this “secret” with us as his dear friends? 

Lenten challenge: This week, identify one time when you experienced an awareness of some specific aspect of Jesus — perhaps on a retreat, at Mass, in prayer or in an act of service. Spend ten minutes consciously re-living that experience in your heart. If you can’t recall one, set aside at least two hours this Lent as a mini retreat, either alone in nature or in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. Focus on him and ask him to share the secrets of his heart with you. He will. Then, as his friend, share the secrets in your heart.  — Father John Muir ©LPi

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