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The Baptism of the Lord

In my second year of theology studies, I went to confession to a priest visiting the seminary for a three-day retreat. My heart wasn’t in it. I was going through the motions. I confessed my sins and waited for his response. The priest said, “For your penance, I’d like you to go into the chapel and repeat the words ‘You are my beloved Son, with you I am well pleased’ (Luke 3:22) until they mean something to you.” Easy penance, I thought. 

But to my surprise, I struggled to say those words. I sensed a strong interior resistance blocking them. How could God be well-pleased with me? He couldn’t be, I thought. A battle within me ensued. Two hours later, the resistance vanished, and I found myself able to speak, and claim as my own, those marvelous words. I emerged from the chapel with a new, deep, peaceful conviction that I was indeed God’s beloved son.   

Those words are a precious gift from heaven to all of us. Jesus’ baptism, which we celebrate this week, offers them to us. Are we willing to receive these words anew? Many things can block this deepening of our baptismal identity: failings, sins, disappointments, traumas, problems, and so on. Yet God’s love is always greater. This week I challenge you to prayerfully repeat these words over yourself — or perhaps over someone you’re struggling to love — until those words find a home in your heart. — Father John Muir ©LPi


Welcome to our Eucharistic Celebration on this Festivity of the Baptism of the Lord.

The intentions of this Mass are for all those in our special intention basket and...

Please stand for our procession.

Mass Intentions

Saturday, January 11

5:00 PM

Silva A. Christy Oumba • †

Martha Gaytan • †

John Henry Comitz • †

Loranie Stolaroff • †

Oscar Carbajal • †

Sunday, January 12

6:00 AM

Pilar Maldonado • †

10:45 PM

Silva A. Christy Oumba • †

John Henry Comitz • †

Hermelinda Mayorga • †

Bobby Mayorga • †

MMS Hensley • Thanksgiving

Chibuike Igwebuike • Prayer

Juvy Johnson • Birthday

12:30 PM

Daniel Trejo • †

Domitila Romero • †

Emmanuel Campos • Birthday

Jessica Davila • Birthday

Universal Prayer (Petitions)

A. For the Church, that baptized in Christ and sealed in the Spirit, we may please the Father in what we say and do to build up the kingdom in our midst, let us pray to the Lord.

B. For national, state, and local leaders, that they may take care to serve all God’s children, especially those who are the most vulnerable: the poor, the isolated, the forgotten, the unborn, let us pray to the Lord.

C. For those who have lost homes, businesses, or possessions due to the fires, that they may find hope and a path to rebuild their lives, let us pray to the Lord.

D. For all of us gathered here, that our words and actions in our homes, workplaces, and neighborhoods may inspire hope in our sisters and brothers during this Jubilee Year of Hope, let us pray to the Lord.


1. Thanks to you, we have exceeded our Called to Renew goal and currently have $373,000 in donations. We received 9,000 dollars in donations during the month of December. Half of all donations are sent to the Archdiocese where they will invest in lower income Parishes. We are thankful for your generosity.

2. The Parish is selling calendars for next year. These calendars are custom made and include Mass schedule times and major event schedule. You can purchase your calendar in the Parish center for $5, there is a limited quantity.

3. Father Gus and the Amor Por Teco foundation is having a clothes and shoe drive on Sunday, January 19 from 8am and 4pm in our school parking lot.

4. The Filipino community invites you to celebrate the Feast of the Santo Niño on Sunday, January 19, at the 10:45 am Mass. All are invited to bring their images of the Holy Child. The Mass will then be followed by a reception at St. Joseph Hall. All are welcome to bring a favorite dish to share.

5. We thank general contractor Edgar Amaral and his company for sponsoring our bulletin; their information can be found on the last page of our bulletin. If you have a business and would like to sponsor our weekly bulletin, you can call the phone number at the bottom of the last page.


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January 4

Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord.

January 18

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time