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Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord.

Have you ever wondered why the magi had gold, frankincense, and myrrh? Matthew’s Gospel tells us, “Then they opened their treasures and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh” (Matt. 2:11). Why are these things their “treasures”? One possible answer is they were magicians and astrologers, and these three items were the tools of their questionable trade. In offering them to Christ, they demonstrate that they will cease using such items to predict or control life. They place this baby-king, the God of Israel, at the center of their lives, and not their own devices of control, manipulation and prediction. 

Isn’t that what we need to do, too? Consider, for example, the magical power of money, symbolized by the magi’s gold. Seemingly whatever we ask of money, it does. It wields a god-like power over the world. It can predict the future by guaranteeing better outcomes for us — which is why it is such a tempting alternative to trusting in God. The problem is such absolute trust in money enslaves us to the economic forces that make money so powerful. In paying homage to Jesus with “gold” (i.e., tithing), we participate in his authority over (and therefore freedom from) the magical sway of money. 

What things in your life do you use to predict or control your future? What in your life seems to give you power over the world? Those are your treasures. Are you tired of feeling enslaved to them? Find a way to open them and give them to Christ, and you will be freer.  — Father John Muir ©LPi


Welcome to our Eucharistic Celebration on this Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord.

The intentions of this Mass are for all those in our special intention basket and...

Please stand for our procession.

Mass Intentions

Saturday, January 4

5:00 PM

Olga Vazquez • †

Silva A. Christy Oumba • †

John Henry Comitz • †

Ines Cazares • †

Ricardo Antonio Alvarado • †

Sunday, January 5

6:00 AM

Jose Alfredo De la Mora Avila • †

Porfilio De la Mora Paz • †

Pilar Maldonado • †

10:45 AM

Silva A. Christy Oumba • †

John Henry Comitz • †

Willy Adlawan • †

Gozalo y Amalia Gamboa • †

Deaven Johnson • Birthday

12:30 PM

Alma Camellia • Health

Universal Prayer (Petitions)

A. For the Church, that we may continually reveal the light of Christ to the world, spreading the Good News of God’s love and mercy to all people, let us pray to the Lord.

B. For leaders of nations, that they may be unafraid to welcome those who are searching sincerely for safety, security, and peace, let us pray to the Lord.

C. For refugees, migrants, and all who have been dispossessed of homes or birthplaces, that in their place of refuge they may find welcome, opportunity, and a place to call home, let us pray to the Lord.

D. That during this Jubilee Year of Hope, all those making spiritual, emotional, or physical journeys may find that the hope they have placed before themselves has been justified, let us pray to the Lord.


1. Thanks to you, we have exceeded our Called to Renew goal and currently have $373,000 in donations. We received 9,000 dollars in donations during the month of December. Half of all donations are sent to the Archdiocese where they will invest in lower income Parishes. We are thankful for your generosity.

2. The Parish is selling calendars for next year. These calendars are custom made and include Mass schedule times and major event schedule. You can purchase your calendar in the Parish center for $5, there is a limited quantity.

3. Father Gus and the Amor Por Teco foundation is having a clothes and shoe drive on Sunday, January 19 from 8am and 4pm in our school parking lot.

4. We invite all those who feel the calling to be a Eucharistic Minister to attend our Archdiocese Eucharistic Minister training that will take place beginning this Tuesday at 7:00pm in the St. Joseph Hall. There is a $15 donation for the course. This training is mandatory for all current Eucharistic Ministers.

5. We thank Gabriel Estrada from G & R Cabinetry for sponsoring our bulletin; their information can be found on the last page of our bulletin. If you have a business and would like to sponsor our weekly bulletin, you can call the phone number at the bottom of the last page.



January 1

Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God

January 11

The Baptism of the Lord