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21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Notes for this Weekend


Welcome to our Eucharistic Celebration on this Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time.

It is no accident that the words “disciple” and “discipline” come from the same root: Latin disciplina, meaning “teaching.” As disciples of the Lord, we are taught through discipline. We need that discipline when we are tempted to compromise our ethics or ignore our conscience and do something we shouldn’t or fail to do something we should. Hebrews reminds us today that God’s discipline is given out of love, to keep our conscience strong and our feet on the narrow path. May we keep to the discipline of being a true disciple and resolve to learn from our missteps.

The intentions of this Mass are for all those in our special intention basket and...

Please stand for our procession.

Universal Prayer

A. For all Christians during this “Forward in Mission” Jubilee Year we may choose to pass through the narrow gate through faithfulness to Christ, let us pray to the Lord.

B. That people from the east and the west and from the north and the south may be welcomed with hospitality in new places and new lands, let us pray to the Lord.

C. For all those returning to school this fall—schoolchildren, teachers, and staff—that they may embark upon a new school year renewed in the appreciation of curiosity and the joy of learning, let us pray to the Lord.

D. For those who suffer from chronic health conditions that weaken their body and spirit, that they may find strength and hope in the Lord’s presence, let us pray to the Lord.

E. That all those searching for Christ with a sincere heart may find welcome in our community, let us pray to the Lord.

F. For all the prayers that we hold in the silence of our hearts; for all our intentions spoken and unspoken, let us pray to the Lord.


1. Our Parish Raffle has begun. The grand prize is $5,000. Tickets are $5 each and you can buy them with the team members after Mass at the exits of the Church.

2. With the fiesta coming soon, we need your help. If you can, please bring any empty and clean egg shells to the Parish office so the team can make the confetti eggs.

3. All of our Parish Priests will be attending an Archdiocesan Priest Convocation from midday Monday, August 22 until midday Thursday, August 23. We will not have daily Mass nor confessions on these days. Please grab a bulletin for the complete schedule.

August 13

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

August 27

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time