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Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Notes for this Weekend


Welcome to our Eucharistic Celebration on this Third Sunday in Ordinary Time .

The intentions of this Mass are for all those in our special intention basket and...

Please stand for our procession.

Universal Prayer

A. For the Church, that we may proclaim the word of God not only in our worship and our prayer, but in the way we address problems and questions in today’s world, let us pray to the Lord.

B. That legislators and judges may find God’s word illuminating when making and interpreting policies and laws, let us pray to the Lord.

C. That Christians of all traditions may strive to achieve the unity the apostle Paul envisioned when he urged the Corinthians to have no divisions among them, let us pray to the Lord.

D. That we may take to heart the words we hear on Sunday and live them out as best we can during the week, becoming a living embodiment of God’s word, let us pray to the Lord.

Fr. Arturo & Fr. Roberto Mass

E. For all the prayers that we hold in the silence of our hearts; for all our intentions spoken and unspoken, let us pray to the Lord.

Fr. Kamil’s Mass

E. For all the prayers that we hold in the silence of our hearts; for all our intentions spoken and unspoken, and for (read all intentions from 1st page), let us pray to the Lord.


1. Our Parish school will have open house next Sunday from 12pm to 1pm. Families are welcome to visit our beautiful campus and talk to our teachers.


January 14

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

January 28

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time